Name Description/Focus User count Registration
43 Things Tagging 627,000 Open
ActiveRain Real estate professionals 5,374 Open
Adoos Latin America and Spain classifieds, personals 1,000,000 Open
AIM Pages AOL Instant Messenger Unknown Open
aSmallWorld European jet set and social elite 75,000 Invite-only African-Americans 18,000,000 Open
Babbello Australian teenagers 30,000 Open
Bebo Schools and colleges 22,000,000 Open
Blogger Blogging Unknown Open
Blurty Blogs, based on LiveJournal 947,169 Open
Bolt General (music and video) 4,000,000 Open
CarDomain Car enthusiasts 1,600,000 Open
Care2 Activists 6,000,000 Open School, college, work and the military 40,000,000 Open Estonia 39,000 Invite-only
Consumating "Consumeetings" 21,000 Open
Cyworld South Korea 15,000,000 Open
Dandelife Collective narratives or "shared biographies" unknown Open
DeadJournal "Dark" blogs, based on LiveJournal 490,310 By invite or payment Mobile location-based service unknown Open
Doostang Online career community 53,000 Invite-only
DowneLink LGBT Unknown Open Latvia 731,652 Invite-only
Ecademy Business 100,000 Open
Eons People over 50 Unknown Open to people over 50
Facebook General 7,700,000 Open
Faceparty British teens and 20-somethings 5,900,000 Open
FaceRen Mainly Chinese-literate university students unknown Open
Flickr Photo sharing 2,500,000 Open
Friendster General 29,100,000 Open
Frühstückstreff General 10,100 Open
Gaia Online General 4,548,824 Open
Gazzag General Unknown Open
GhettoSoul Writing, Poetry, and Music unknown Open
Goldmic Hip-Hop 58,000 Open
GoPets Virtual pets 400,000 Open
GreatestJournal Uses LiveJournal code 1,514,865 Open Poland 830,000 Invite-only
Hi5 Worldwide. 50,000,000 Open
Hyves Dutch people, but translations available (UK, GE, FR, SP) - many students 2,311,790 Open
imeem media-centric social network with instant messaging functionality Unknown Open
Inked Nation Body modification aficionados Unknown Open
IMVU 3D chat software 1,000,000 Open
IRC-Galleria Finland 350,000 Open
iWiW Hungary 1,000,000 Invite only
Janglo Jerusalem & Tel Aviv (Taanglo) English speakers 14,300 Open
Joga Bonito Football (soccer) Unknown Open Music Unknown Open
LibraryThing Books 82,374 Open
LinkedIn Business 7,500,000 Open
Listography Social List Making Unknown Open
LiveJournal Blogging 10,921,263 Open
LunarStorm Sweden 1,200,000 Open Dating 12,000,000 Open
Med Network Healthcare Professionals and Students Unknown Open Latinos 3,600,000 Open
Mixi Japan 5,000,000 Invite-only
MOBANGO Cell phones 1,000,000 Open
MOG Music Unknown Open
Multiply "Real world" networking with definable relationships 3,000,000 Open
Music Forte Music 37,000 Open
myGamma Cell phones 900,000 Open
MySpace General 125,632,282 Open
myYearbook General 950,000 Open
Neurona Spanish businesses and Italy 690,000 Open
Nexopia Canada 866,000 Open
Newscloud News and Media Not reported Open
OkCupid Dating 500,000 Open
openBC Business 1,000,000 Open
orkut Owned by Google 31,343,397 Invite-only
Passado General (business) 4,700,000 Open
Piczo Teenagers, Canadians, photo sharing 10,000,000 Open
Playahead Swedish teenagers 2,000,000 Open
ProfileHeaven British teens 100,000 Open
Rediff Connexions India 1,400,000 Open Locating friends and family 25,000,000 Open
Ryze Business 250,000 Open
Sconex American high schools 500,000 Open
Studybreakers High school students 34,000 Open
Stumbleupon Websurfing 1,200,000 Open
Sulekha Desis 1,000,000 Open
TagWorld General (tagging) 1,850,692 Open
TakingITGlobal Social action 116,000 Open
The Sports Area Sports fans/athletes 2,000 Open to everyone 13 and older
The Student Center Teens and colleges 800,000 Open
Threadless General 364,474 Open
Tribe General 554,993 Open
Vampire Freaks Gothic industrial culture 650,000 Open
VietSpace A social network of Vietnamese 20,000 Open
Vox Blogging Unknown Invite-only
WAYN Travel & Lifestyle 7,000,000 Open to people 18 and older
WebBiographies Genealogy 3,500 Open
Windows Live Spaces Blogging (formerly MSN Spaces) 30,000,000 Open
Xanga Blogs and "metro" areas 40,000,000 Open
Xuqa Colleges 1,000,000 Open
Yahoo! 360° Linked to Yahoo! IDs 4,700,000 Open to people 18 and older
Yuku part of ezboard Unknown Open
Zaadz Social consciousness 17,627 Open
Friday, November 24, 2006
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
add & creativity
The correlation between Adhd and creativity has been argued for several years.
Being ADD you see things that others miss.
Traits commonly associated with ADD / ADHD that are also associated with highly creative people.
Sensation seeking
Inability to finish projects
Enthusiasm and Playfullness
Difficult Temperament
Deficient Social Skills
Academic underachievement
Hypersensitivity to stimulation
Mood Swings
Attention Deficit Disorders and Gifted Students: What Do We Really Know?
Contributed by: Terry Matlen, ACSW (Posted on 2003-05-18)
Contributed by: Terry Matlen, ACSW (Posted on 2003-05-18)
ADHD and Children Who Are Gifted
Contributed by: Terry Matlen, ACSW (Posted on 2003-03-13)
Being ADD you see things that others miss.
Traits commonly associated with ADD / ADHD that are also associated with highly creative people.
Sensation seeking
Inability to finish projects
Enthusiasm and Playfullness
Difficult Temperament
Deficient Social Skills
Academic underachievement
Hypersensitivity to stimulation
Mood Swings
Attention Deficit Disorders and Gifted Students: What Do We Really Know?
Contributed by: Terry Matlen, ACSW (Posted on 2003-05-18)
Contributed by: Terry Matlen, ACSW (Posted on 2003-05-18)
ADHD and Children Who Are Gifted
Contributed by: Terry Matlen, ACSW (Posted on 2003-03-13)
Monday, November 13, 2006
research proposal
Module Number ADM306b
Year 2006-2007
Semester 1 & 2
Assignment Personal Project Pro Forma
Student name: Kirstie Willis
Student number: ST06003280
Email address:
I. Your general field of enquiry
The general field of my enquiry will be of people who are sufferer from the condition Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (A.D.H.D) and Attention Deficit Disorder (A.D.D). The problems they face in their day-to-day lives and ways in which new media technologies especially in the area of Locative media can be used to enhance the lives of A.D.H.D/ A.D.D sufferers and improve their social skills. I’m also interested in researching the current issue of whether there are links between A.D.H.D/ A.D.D and creativity that is currently being debated
I suffer from A.D.D. myself so this project has personal meaning to me and will be beneficial to myself and other sufferers.
II. Your chosen subject
My research project will focus on sufferers of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (A.D.H.D) and Attention Deficit Disorder (A.D.D). I intend to look at the links that sufferers have with creativity. I also intend to research ways in which new media technologies especially in the area of Locative media can be used to enhance the lives of A.D.H.D/ A.D.D sufferers. Looking at what assistive technology is presently available for people with A.D.H.D/ A.D.D
III. Your objectives. What are you going to document/uncover/ explain/question?
To uncover what research has already been done with regards to the links A.D.H.D/ A.D.D has with creativity and conduct my own research in this area.
To document research into the severity of the problems associated with A.D.D/ A.D.H.D such as inattention, memory, completing tasks, money and time management and poor social skills of sufferers and to look at ways that new media technology can improve them.
I am interested in developing an interactive device to enhance the social skills and lives of sufferers. I would like to investigate how the device could be location aware. The device should allow the user to map points and add notes in their locality and post messages for others thus building a location aware social network. The device will also have a memory minder, which will enable the user to remember events meetings phone calls etc.
I am hoping that if teenagers and young adults use these devices and build a social network of creative like minded people it will stop them feeling misunderstood and isolated which often causes them to get into trouble.
IV. A description and assessment of research base. Primary sources. Secondary sources.
Myself in the form of questionnaires online surveys and interviews will carry out primary research with people who have been diagnosed with the condition. I also want to survey people studying or working in the creative arts who have not been diagnosed.
Articles of interest on coaching ADD
V. An indication of your preferred methodology and why it is appropriate. What academic approach will you choose that is best suited to the analysis, contextualisation and cultural critique of your subject?
I will do a literature review of current research into the coincidence of creativity and A.D.H.D/ A.D.D
VI. References to key thinkers/academics
Cramond B The National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented, University of Connecticut.
VII. Indicative bibliography
Secondary research papers I have uncovered that are of interest to me are
Cramond, B. (1995). The coincidence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and creativity (RBDM 9508). Storrs, CT: The National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented, University of Connecticut.
Ackerman, C., "Identifying Gifted Adolescents using Personality Characteristics: Dabrowski's Overexcitabilities" June 1997, Roeper Review, Vol 19, No.4. (This paper has a nice chart comparing over excitabilities of gifted to average children).
Bachtold, L.M. (1982). Divergent thinking and temperamental traits. Psychological Reports, 51, 419-422.
Burcham, B., Carlson, L., & Milich, R. (1993). Promising school-based practices for students with attention deficit disorder. Exceptional Children, 60, 174-180.
Cramond, B. "The Association of ADHD and Creativity" 1995, The National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented. This entire paper is online!
Funk, J.B., Chessare, J.B., Weaver, M.T., & Exley, A.R. (1993). Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, creativity, and the effects of methylphenidate. Pediatrics, 91, 816-819.
Gallagher, S.A. (1986). A comparison of the concept of overexcitabilites with measures of creativity and school achievement in sixth-grade students. Roeper Review, 8, 115-119.
Goertzel, V., Goertzel, M.G., & Goertzel, T. (1978). Three hundred eminent personalities: A psychosocial analysis of the famous. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Pickering, G. (1974). Creative malady. New York: Dell.
Piechowski, M.M., & Cunningham, K. (1985). Patterns of overexcitability in a group of artists. The Journal of Creative Behavior, 19, 153-174.
Reid, B., et al. "Square Pegs in Round Holes --These Kids Don't Fit: High Ability Students With Behavioral Problems." The National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented, Sept. 1995.
Restak, R. (1993). The creative brain. In J. Brockman (Ed.), Creativity (pp. 164-175). New York: Touchstone.
Richards, R.L., & Kinney, D.K. (1990). Mood Swings and creativity. Creativity Research Journal, 3, 202-217.
Shaw, G.A. (1992). Hyperactivity and creativity: The tacit dimension. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 30, 152-160.
West, T.G. (1991). In the mind's eye: Visual thinkers, gifted people with learning difficulties, computer images, and the ironies of creativity. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books.
VIII. Additional information that is relevant.
IX. Any questions you may have for staff.
Module Number ADM306b
Year 2006-2007
Semester 1 & 2
Assignment Personal Project Pro Forma
Student name: Kirstie Willis
Student number: ST06003280
Email address:
I. Your general field of enquiry
The general field of my enquiry will be of people who are sufferer from the condition Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (A.D.H.D) and Attention Deficit Disorder (A.D.D). The problems they face in their day-to-day lives and ways in which new media technologies especially in the area of Locative media can be used to enhance the lives of A.D.H.D/ A.D.D sufferers and improve their social skills. I’m also interested in researching the current issue of whether there are links between A.D.H.D/ A.D.D and creativity that is currently being debated
I suffer from A.D.D. myself so this project has personal meaning to me and will be beneficial to myself and other sufferers.
II. Your chosen subject
My research project will focus on sufferers of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (A.D.H.D) and Attention Deficit Disorder (A.D.D). I intend to look at the links that sufferers have with creativity. I also intend to research ways in which new media technologies especially in the area of Locative media can be used to enhance the lives of A.D.H.D/ A.D.D sufferers. Looking at what assistive technology is presently available for people with A.D.H.D/ A.D.D
III. Your objectives. What are you going to document/uncover/ explain/question?
To uncover what research has already been done with regards to the links A.D.H.D/ A.D.D has with creativity and conduct my own research in this area.
To document research into the severity of the problems associated with A.D.D/ A.D.H.D such as inattention, memory, completing tasks, money and time management and poor social skills of sufferers and to look at ways that new media technology can improve them.
I am interested in developing an interactive device to enhance the social skills and lives of sufferers. I would like to investigate how the device could be location aware. The device should allow the user to map points and add notes in their locality and post messages for others thus building a location aware social network. The device will also have a memory minder, which will enable the user to remember events meetings phone calls etc.
I am hoping that if teenagers and young adults use these devices and build a social network of creative like minded people it will stop them feeling misunderstood and isolated which often causes them to get into trouble.
IV. A description and assessment of research base. Primary sources. Secondary sources.
Myself in the form of questionnaires online surveys and interviews will carry out primary research with people who have been diagnosed with the condition. I also want to survey people studying or working in the creative arts who have not been diagnosed.
Articles of interest on coaching ADD
V. An indication of your preferred methodology and why it is appropriate. What academic approach will you choose that is best suited to the analysis, contextualisation and cultural critique of your subject?
I will do a literature review of current research into the coincidence of creativity and A.D.H.D/ A.D.D
VI. References to key thinkers/academics
Cramond B The National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented, University of Connecticut.
VII. Indicative bibliography
Secondary research papers I have uncovered that are of interest to me are
Cramond, B. (1995). The coincidence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and creativity (RBDM 9508). Storrs, CT: The National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented, University of Connecticut.
Ackerman, C., "Identifying Gifted Adolescents using Personality Characteristics: Dabrowski's Overexcitabilities" June 1997, Roeper Review, Vol 19, No.4. (This paper has a nice chart comparing over excitabilities of gifted to average children).
Bachtold, L.M. (1982). Divergent thinking and temperamental traits. Psychological Reports, 51, 419-422.
Burcham, B., Carlson, L., & Milich, R. (1993). Promising school-based practices for students with attention deficit disorder. Exceptional Children, 60, 174-180.
Cramond, B. "The Association of ADHD and Creativity" 1995, The National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented. This entire paper is online!
Funk, J.B., Chessare, J.B., Weaver, M.T., & Exley, A.R. (1993). Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, creativity, and the effects of methylphenidate. Pediatrics, 91, 816-819.
Gallagher, S.A. (1986). A comparison of the concept of overexcitabilites with measures of creativity and school achievement in sixth-grade students. Roeper Review, 8, 115-119.
Goertzel, V., Goertzel, M.G., & Goertzel, T. (1978). Three hundred eminent personalities: A psychosocial analysis of the famous. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Pickering, G. (1974). Creative malady. New York: Dell.
Piechowski, M.M., & Cunningham, K. (1985). Patterns of overexcitability in a group of artists. The Journal of Creative Behavior, 19, 153-174.
Reid, B., et al. "Square Pegs in Round Holes --These Kids Don't Fit: High Ability Students With Behavioral Problems." The National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented, Sept. 1995.
Restak, R. (1993). The creative brain. In J. Brockman (Ed.), Creativity (pp. 164-175). New York: Touchstone.
Richards, R.L., & Kinney, D.K. (1990). Mood Swings and creativity. Creativity Research Journal, 3, 202-217.
Shaw, G.A. (1992). Hyperactivity and creativity: The tacit dimension. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 30, 152-160.
West, T.G. (1991). In the mind's eye: Visual thinkers, gifted people with learning difficulties, computer images, and the ironies of creativity. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books.
VIII. Additional information that is relevant.
IX. Any questions you may have for staff.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
rfid links
This link is for a site which has a huge list of RFID Resources
Monday, November 06, 2006
Applying these friend of a friend (FOAF) networks to location aware mobile technology will allow for the emergence of a sustainable economy of exchange based on trust. The idea being you will be able to meet likeminded people who share similar interests. It would enable people to assist each other in making music, art, graffiti etc. I also want to research the nightlife on offer in cardiff and set up a locative sticky note application that will inform residents and visitors of Cardiff of live gigs, clubnights and dj sesh's and also people would be able to leave sticky notes regarding the venue/ dj / atmosphere etc. I also want to have live feeds (audio / video/ pics) from the clubs so subscribers to the network would be able to check out venue before deciding whether going in. I'm also thinking about the possibility of rfid membership cards or even wearable components.
discounted entry with code received from phone.
Take photos on clubnights/ gigs etc and habd out business card size flyers with site details that telll you wherer you can download the photo that you'vr had taken and maybe host short research questionairres and / or encourage them to join up
Applying these friend of a friend (FOAF) networks to location aware mobile technology will allow for the emergence of a sustainable economy of exchange based on trust. The idea being you will be able to meet likeminded people who share similar interests. It would enable people to assist each other in making music, art, graffiti etc. I also want to research the nightlife on offer in cardiff and set up a locative sticky note application that will inform residents and visitors of Cardiff of live gigs, clubnights and dj sesh's and also people would be able to leave sticky notes regarding the venue/ dj / atmosphere etc. I also want to have live feeds (audio / video/ pics) from the clubs so subscribers to the network would be able to check out venue before deciding whether going in. I'm also thinking about the possibility of rfid membership cards or even wearable components.
discounted entry with code received from phone.
Take photos on clubnights/ gigs etc and habd out business card size flyers with site details that telll you wherer you can download the photo that you'vr had taken and maybe host short research questionairres and / or encourage them to join up
Saturday, November 04, 2006
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